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Method of Monitor unit (MU) calculation for intensity modulated photon field
Stanford Reference:
Researchers in Prof. Lei Xing's laboratory have developed a simple and efficient method for MU calculation for intensity modulated beams. In Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), a pressing issue is how to efficiently verify the MU calculation of the treatment planning system. This technology expresses the dose at a spatial point as a summation of the contributions from all beamlets, each being modulated by a dynamic modulation factor. The approach is independent of leaf sequence algorithms and delivery machines and its effectiveness was demonstrated by using several IMRT cases.
IMRT - the technique can be used as a redundant check of IMRT treatment plans from an inverse treatment planning system
Low cost, easy to use, simple implementation
Versatile - handles a variety of clinical situations, including off-axis dose calculation, inhomogeneous media, low dose region, patient contour variation
Expandable - to deal with a variety of IMRT techniques, including MLC based IMRT, MIMiC, Tomotherapy and intensity modulated arc therapy.
L. Xing, Y. Chen, J. Li, G. Luxton, and A. Boyer,
Monitor unit calculation for an intensity modulated photon field by a simple scatter-summation algorithm
Physics in Medicine and Biology
45, N1-7, 2000.
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Lei Xing
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Patent Status
Published Application: 20030068009
Issued : 6,697,452 (USA)
Date Released
7/12/2009 12:00
Licensing Contact
Chris Tagge, Technology Licensing Program Manager
(650) 725-8402
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Monitor Unit Calculation in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Method of Monitor unit (MU) calculation for intensity modulated photon field
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Related Keywords
MD: therapeutics: radiation therapy
MD: software: radiation therapy