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Virtual Machines for Administering Computers-Patent

Stanford Reference:



Stanford researchers have patented an automated computer management system which can virtualize computers as well as the network of virtual machines to automatically and easily manage a large number of computers.

This system creates a reliable way to ship executables electronically, allowing the software to be used immediately. Users will have easy access to the latest machine configurations and their computing environments from any machine connected to the internet anytime and anywhere in the world. During this pandemic where people are working and studying mostly on-line, this invention will help provide fast and reliable updated systems in remote working and learning environments.


  • Computer Systems Management
  • Virtual Computing


  • Can manage large number of computers automatically and easily
  • Can easily keep systems up to date without slowing down network
  • Provides new functionality to all software without changing the operating systems or applications
  • Virtualizes computer and network, comprised of virtual machines

Innovators & Portfolio

  • David Brumley   
  • Ramesh Chandra   
  • James Chow   
  • Monica Lam   
  • Mendel Rosenblum   
  • Constantine Sapuntzakis   
  • Nickolai Zeldovich   

Patent Status

Date Released

 9/9/2020 12:00

Licensing Contact

Imelda Oropeza, Senior Licensing Manager, Physcial Sciences
650-725-9039 (Business)
Request Info

00-216 Power Controlled Multiple Access (PCMA) in Wireless Communication Networks
02-263 An Improved Method for Visualization of Multidimensional Data ("Logicle")
03-347 Internet-Linked System for Directory Protocol Based Data Storage

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Related Keywords

networking hardware   PS: communications: networking   computer: virtualization   System networking   networking enterprises   high performance computing   PS: software: cloud computing   systems infrastructure   PS: software: data management   network analysis   network architecture   PS: software: internet security   PS: software: data storage (networked and distributed)