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Logical Spreadsheets
Stanford Reference:
This invention describes a new type of spreadsheet that instead of using arithmetic to relate data entries uses logical relationships. This fundamentally changes how the spreadsheet works and increases the user’s ability to manipulate and extrapolate scenarios. The functional improvement can be applied in both direction (from A to B and from B to A) as well as for non-numerical data. These spreadsheets maintain the characteristic simplicity of current spreadsheets, so adoption would be simple.
Managing, editing and manipulating numerical and
symbolic data
Design programs
, particularly for system configurations (including customer designed cars or computers)
Smart forms
capable of checking that entered data is within correct parameters and formatting. An HTML front end can be used for the logical spreadsheet to put the form online
Manipulating and organizing more complex data sets
Interactive documents
capable of evaluating data and changes in circumstances and providing feedback to the user
where the user can experiment by varying inputs or setup variables, which will cause the effects of the changes to propagate through the spreadsheet to give the resulting outcome or situation
Adds significant
compared to standard spreadsheets while maintaining the
ease of use
spreadsheets are known for
value propagation in multiple directions
through the spreadsheet, unlike the unidirectional value propagation in standard spreadsheets
Allows the specification of
many to many constraints
, rather than the simple function constraints in traditional spreadsheets
Permits manipulation of non-numeric data
Provides easier data entry and checking
Makes data analysis tasks easier and less time consuming
Logic Group Publication
Innovators & Portfolio
Michael Genesereth
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Michael Kassoff
Nathaniel Love
Patent Status
Published Application: 20060048044
Issued : 7,707,486 (USA)
Date Released
10/18/2017 12:00
Licensing Contact
Imelda Oropeza, Senior Licensing Manager, Physcial Sciences
650-725-9039 (Business)
Request Info
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Related Keywords
corporate: information indexing
corporate: informatics
software: bioinformatics
data entry
PS: software: data management
PS: software: data mining
financial information
financial software
healthcare: informatics
information management
interactive documents